Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Crowdsourcing Week 9

      Crowdsourcing is a popular method that has been adopted by many businesses over the recent years. This practice invites the a group of people to express their ideas on a certain subject. Normally this is a task that in most businesses was done by an employee or group of employees. However over the years many companies have found out that they can get many good ideas from current customers or the general public.
      In some cases companies will set up a web page and invite their customers to comment on the products that they sell. Customers normally have comments to share about the products that they consume therefore they might have ideas on how to improve a product or just suggest ideas to try different products at a lower cost or free.
          This example of crowdsourcing is about involving the general public and this is a free method of getting ideas for a company who will profit from this practice.
        In other cases companies will hire a group of people to come up with ideas when dealing with a new project or maybe to improve a project. Having a lot of ideas can give a company more options    .

In this case this type of crowdsourcing can be free in some cases or paid.


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