Monday, October 26, 2015

Systems Development Life Cycle (WEEK 8)

Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a method used to describe a process that takes place when any business is trying to upgrade or create a new information systems. The (SDLC) consists of the following stages:

SDLC is one of the best tools to implement the new information systems because if followed according to the stages your implementation will be a success. one of the key elements to being successful is to keeping good communication between management, potential users, and the developers.

The reasons for implementing a new information systems is because there might be issues with the existing system and upgrading will give a company or business better management of their daily routine running their business. There are other ways of implementing a new system but the (SDLC) if followed correctly is a good tool.

For more information on the (SDLC) model please visit the following websites:

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