Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Artificial Intelligence Week 11

What is artificial intelligence?
Well everyone may have their own definition of artificial intelligence but for me I would define artificial intelligence as the act of making a machine or computer think like I do and do the same things that I would do in a normal day. However a more formal definition of artificial intelligence is the following:
ar·ti·fi·cial in·tel·li·gence
noun: artificial intelligence; noun: AI
the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.
Artificial intelligence is becoming a popular topic these days more than ever and the fact that many big companies are investing in artificial intelligence just proves that this is he next step in technology. Having  computers think like a real person seems like a very difficult task but it can be done. What will it take and how long will it take we don' know but we know that we already have some artificial intelligence around us so it does not seem like it is going to be long before we see the next step in technology.


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