Friday, November 20, 2015

(WEEK 12)

During the last five weeks I have written about subjects that relate to computers and technology in the business industry. Going back I have written about:

Systems Development Life Cycle:
This is a tool used in the process of implementing a new information system or upgrading from an older version to a better one. It is a step by step process that leads to the development of a successful information systems.

This is the process of gathering ideas from a group of people. This can be done either by paying of you can get it done for free. Some businesses have implemented this through a website and interact with their customers asking them or ideas regarding their products. This gives businesses new product ideas at no cost.

Executive Information Systems:
This is a tool used o help managers in the process o decision making.

Artificial Intelligence:
Is a  topic that deal with making machines do things that a person would do such as reason, listen, speak, and basically act like if it was  human being.

Most of the topics that I chose to write about deal with technology and business processes. After looking at the topics I realize that all of them are tied to business technology. I did not chose the topics on purpose in fact I chose them unconsciously(randomly). Most of the topics that I chose were from a variety of sources(websites and books).

Last I think that this practice of blogging can be beneficial to an information systems professional because they can get answers to questions that they may have or they can also share some of the knowledge that they have. This class has thought me a lot and I have learned that any project or task that I should be involved in needs to be thoroughly thought and you have to be prepared for what if.
The topics that I chose have thought me more and I feel more confident about the topics now than when I started the class.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Artificial Intelligence Week 11

What is artificial intelligence?
Well everyone may have their own definition of artificial intelligence but for me I would define artificial intelligence as the act of making a machine or computer think like I do and do the same things that I would do in a normal day. However a more formal definition of artificial intelligence is the following:
ar·ti·fi·cial in·tel·li·gence
noun: artificial intelligence; noun: AI
the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.
Artificial intelligence is becoming a popular topic these days more than ever and the fact that many big companies are investing in artificial intelligence just proves that this is he next step in technology. Having  computers think like a real person seems like a very difficult task but it can be done. What will it take and how long will it take we don' know but we know that we already have some artificial intelligence around us so it does not seem like it is going to be long before we see the next step in technology.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Executive Information Systems (Week 10)

     Executive Information Systems (EIS) is a tool used by executives to aid in decision making. (EIS) is branch of Decision Support System (DSS) which is a support system that is computer based which supports businesses in decision making activities.
      With EIS an executive has the support and the ability for making decisions because they can have easy access to internal and external data of a company. In addition they are of such importance because they help executives to monitor the performance of a company and also they can identify possible opportunities or maybe identify problems that a company is currently having. Knowing how a business is doing is very important and EIS helps to analyze and compare the operations.
     An EIS must be well designed and user friendly because not al users are computer experts therefore having a program that is simple is a must.
So why use EIS?
Efficiency and effectiveness od decision making can be achieved in the following ways:
: Increase managers' productivity by providing fast and easy access to relevant information.
: Help managers analyze different business scenarios and see the effect of certain decisions on the organization by converting information into formats such as charts and graphs.
: Identify trends and report exceptions
: Identify possible opportunities
: Identify possible problems

If interested in knowing more about EIS clink in the links below :


Bidgoli, H. (2015). Executive In formation Systems. In MIS Management Information Systems (5th ed., pp. 250-252). Cengagebrain Learning.

Executive information system. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 2015, from Computer Business Research website:

Executive information system. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 2015, from Wikipedia website:

Executive Information System (EIS). (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 2015, from techopedia website:

Crowdsourcing Week 9

      Crowdsourcing is a popular method that has been adopted by many businesses over the recent years. This practice invites the a group of people to express their ideas on a certain subject. Normally this is a task that in most businesses was done by an employee or group of employees. However over the years many companies have found out that they can get many good ideas from current customers or the general public.
      In some cases companies will set up a web page and invite their customers to comment on the products that they sell. Customers normally have comments to share about the products that they consume therefore they might have ideas on how to improve a product or just suggest ideas to try different products at a lower cost or free.
          This example of crowdsourcing is about involving the general public and this is a free method of getting ideas for a company who will profit from this practice.
        In other cases companies will hire a group of people to come up with ideas when dealing with a new project or maybe to improve a project. Having a lot of ideas can give a company more options    .

In this case this type of crowdsourcing can be free in some cases or paid.